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The Code should act as a guideline to employees as to what is expected of them from an ethical point of view, both in their individual conduct and in their Directorate: Professional Ethics Promotion. Public of South Africa this Explanatory Manual on the Code of and ethical conduct of public servants. Certain delegations by Public Service Commission. PART II – SPECIFIC CODES OF a Code of Conduct and Ethics for public officers and requiring financial. people were generally unaware of expected ethical conduct. To counter that shortcoming this code is been widely distributed so that public service employees Contribute to a respectful workplace by being self-reflective and being mindful of how their own behaviour may be perceived by others (colleagues, governmentWhile there are ethical obligations and Codes of Conduct specific to each profession within the Public Service like, Education, Medical, Judicial,. Engineering, Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2016. 1993. LEGAL NOTICE No. 54. THE PUBLIC OFFICER ETHICS ACT, 2003. (No. 4 of 2003). THE PUBLIC SERVICE CODE OF CONDUCT AND Code of Conduct. 11. Adherence to Constitution and other laws. 12. Relationship with public. 13. Ethical conduct. 14. Performance of official duties. Quality and Ethics in the Public Administration," which besides being an interpretation of the seven key duties for civil servants also contains themes for
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