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any scalar multiple of a linear transformation. Explicitly: • Theorem (Space of Linear Transformations): Let V and W be vector spaces with the same field ofWe shall now restrict our attention to the following kinds of maps. Definition 11.1. A function T : Rn > Rm is called a linear transformation if it satisfies. Projections in Rn is a good class of examples of linear transformations. We define projection along a vector. Recall the definition 5.2.6 of orthogonal Fact: If T : Rn > Rm is a linear transformation, then T(0) = 0. We've already met examples of linear transformations. Namely: if A is any m ? n matrix, then In other words, a linear transformation is determined by specifying its values on a basis. Our first theorem formalizes this fundamental observation. Theorem A linear transformation is a map T : V > W between vector spaces which preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. It satisfies. We will also examine some elementary properties of linear transformations. DEFINITION Linear Transformation. Let V and W be two vector spaces over . A of any linear transformation is equivalent to multiplication by a corresponding matrix. In Section 5.3, we examine an important relationship between the Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations and. Changes of Coordinates. 0.1 Subspaces and Bases. 0.1.1 Definitions. A subspace V of Rn is a subset of
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