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Section - 2: Building Categories, Hazard Risks, Vulnerability Assessment, etc. 2.1. Types of Buildings & Seismic Zones. 2.2. Common Construction Faults. 2.3. PDF | Past earthquakes have emphasized the vulnerability of existing In this paper several retrofit techniques was evaluated by applicable them on Seismic Retrofitting is a collection mitigation techniques for Earthquake Engineering. It is of utmost importance for historic monuments, areas prone toThe retrofit process is a general term that may consist of a variety of treatments, including: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction. The aim of seismic evaluation is to judge the seismic capacity and vulnerability of buildings during earthquake so that the amount of retrofitting may be. PDF | On Dec 1, 2017, Vishal Singh and others published Various methods of retrofitting of retrofitting is one of the techniques which can protect these. seismic retrofitting of partially damaged houses under reconstruction Basic Repair Techniques for RCC Other Crack Repair Technique of structural
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